Cambrian AI Research Papers

We provide the latest research on AI markets and technologies.  Older research papers are published by Moor Insights & Strategy, while newer ones will be published here on this site. 

The Emerging Memory-Centric Data Center

During the last few years, we have witnessed explosive growth in the data center, driven by the pervasive use of public cloud services, big data analytics, and most recently by the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled by power and data- hungry GPUs....

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What If IBM Z Could Help Stop Fraud?

Last year, IBM launched the z16 with an integrated AI accelerator on each CPU chip. Now, with the infusion of AI into IBM z/OS and a robust AI open-source toolkit, IBM Z customers can realize low-latency AI on a highly trustworthy and secure enterprise system: the...

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Tenstorrent: A Unique AI Startup

Tenstorrent has a new leadership team and a mission to design fast AI and RISC-V chips. Jim Keller now is CEO, and we take a look into what he has planned. You can download this exclusive Cambrian AI mini-brief by clicking below.[purchase_link id="214006" text="Add to...

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